our Mentoring Program

Mentoring is an effective way to support young people by providing them with positive role models who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement.

what’s the Mentoring Program all about?

The benefits of mentoring for young people are numerous. Mentoring has been shown to improve academic performance, increase confidence and self-esteem, reduce the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviours, and improve social skills. Mentoring can also help young people develop skills that are essential for success in adulthood, such as communication, goal-setting, and problem-solving.

Young people who participated in mentoring programs found that 80% reported improved self-confidence, 70% reported improved academic performance, and 60% reported improved relationships with their families.


academic performance

family relationships

Volunteers who participate in Connect Kids mentoring programs also benefit from their involvement. They have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young people, develop new skills, and gain a sense of personal fulfillment.

Mentoring young people using volunteers within the community is an effective way to support the development of young people. Connect Kids has demonstrated the positive impact of mentoring programs on young people in the community providing data and statistical outcomes that illustrate the benefits of these programs. Through its efforts, Connect Kids has not only improved the lives of young people, but also provided opportunities for volunteers to make a meaningful contribution to their local communities.

If you have 2 hours twice a month to spend with a child for a period of 12 months and have a desire to make a positive impact on a young persons life, fill out an online application form and help us make a real difference.

benefits of the mentoring program

There have been several studies conducted on the benefits of mentoring for disadvantaged children in Australia. Here are some key findings:

Improved Academic Performance

Mentoring has been found to improve the academic performance of disadvantaged children. A study by Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia found that mentored children had better school attendance, were less likely to drop out of school, and had higher academic achievement than non-mentored children.

Increased confidence & self-esteem

Mentoring can help disadvantaged children develop greater confidence and self-esteem. A study by The Smith Family found that mentored children reported feeling more positive about their futures and had a greater sense of control over their lives.

reduced risk of negative outcomes

Mentoring has been found to reduce the risk of negative outcomes for disadvantaged children. A study by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth found that mentored children were less likely to engage in risky behaviours such as drug and alcohol use and were less likely to become involved in the criminal justice system.

improved social skills & relationships

Mentoring can help disadvantaged children develop better social skills and relationships. A study by Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia found that mentored children had improved social skills, were more likely to have positive relationships with peers and adults, and were more likely to participate in community activities.

improved mental health

Mentoring has been found to have a positive impact on the mental health of disadvantaged children. A study by The Smith Family found that mentored children reported lower levels of anxiety and depression than non-mentored children.

Overall, the evidence suggests that mentoring can have a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children in Australia, improving their academic performance, confidence and self-esteem, social skills and relationships, and mental health, while reducing their risk of negative outcomes.